母带级限制修剪器 SubMission Audio Flatline v1.1.2 WIN

母带级限制修剪器 SubMission Audio Flatline v1.1.2 WIN-音浪网-音乐制作系统办公资源
母带级限制修剪器 SubMission Audio Flatline v1.1.2 WIN
图片[1]-母带级限制修剪器 SubMission Audio Flatline v1.1.2 WIN-音浪网-音乐制作系统办公资源


SubMission Audio Flatline v1.1.2-R2R| 3.35 MB

支配你的主人 Flatline 是您所需要的最后一款理发器 – 以极低的成本为您带来推动优质、世界级转换器的声音。

设计时考虑到了终极工作流程,它可以在几秒钟内将您的混音变成世界级的流媒体、CD 或广播母带。 使用行业领先的代码,它可以将处理任务转移到 GPU 上——让您有能力将精力放在最重要的地方(混合!)。

自 2000 年代以来,Flatline 并没有让您不知所措,而是专注于并磨练高端母带制作公司的“秘密武器”技术:剪辑顶级数字转换器的声音。 这是你长大的声音,它终于触手可及。

与专业母带工程师共同开发,只为您提供您需要的东西,没有绒毛,Flatline 是一个强大的工具:在项目工作室中就像在高端母带设备中一样。

Dominate your master
Flatline is the last clipper you’ll ever need – bringing you the sound of pushing premium, world-class converters at a fraction of the cost.

Designed with ultimate workflow in mind, it turns your mix into a world-class stream, CD or radio-ready master in a matter of seconds. Using industry-leading code, it offloads processing onto the GPU – leaving you with power to spare where it matters most (the mix!).

Instead of overwhelming you with options, Flatline instead focuses and hones in on the “secret weapon” technique of high-end mastering houses since the 2000s: The sound of clipping top-tier digital converters. This is the sound you grew up with, and it’s finally within your reach.

Developed in concert with professional mastering engineers to give you only what you need, with no fluff, Flatline is a powerhouse tool: Equally at home in a project studio as it is in a high-end mastering facility.

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